Chengdu Yongtuo Pioneer Technology co. LTD
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Will running boards affect gas mileage?
Will running boards affect gas mileage? In fact, I personally think that there is no need to worry about this, a bit redundant! Now that electric side steps are currently on the market, more and more car owners plan to install electric side steps to replace the original fixed steps, but the more attention they have, the questions about electric side steps in the minds of car owners will gradually emerge. For example, we collect two questions about The key answers to questions about electric side steps. First, after installing the electric side step , the weight is heavier than the fixed step, so will the fuel consumption increase? Second, after installing the car electric side step , will it affect the car battery after a long time? More questions can be discussed with us!
1、Will the automobile electric side step affect fuel consumption?
The installation of a cars electric side step will increase the weight of car body and oil consumption ,compared with fixed steps, electric side step has motors and brackets ,ECU parts after installed electric side steps , the quality of car accessories is higher than fixed step , one set of electric side steps weight is about 35KG, but the oil consumption amount might be higher than 0.1 , compared with electric side steps brings actually functions and improvement of vehicle configuration. This is completely ingore fuel consumption .
2、Will the electric side step affect the car battery ?
It will not affect the vehicle battery , first we need to know how to get electricity when installing electric side step, there are two ways to get electricity .the one way is that get electricity from vehicle original battery , the other way is that use fuse to get electricity .due to vehicle battery is released and charged ,not because added one equipment to affect . electric side step is only one of the electrical equipment that consumes the battery power of the vehicle , there is no actually distinguished both of them ,it can be installed without any worried .
The main purpose is that convenient to elder, kids, lady to get on and off the cars! The electric side step is upgraded from the fixed step , compared with fixed step, the electric side step is more practical and convenient ! so we are completely believe that electric side step will definitely better and better !